Super Sandoval hits a hat-trick in Chesterfield HC win

Alex Sandoval hit a hat-trick to win it for Chesterfield.Alex Sandoval hit a hat-trick to win it for Chesterfield.
Alex Sandoval hit a hat-trick to win it for Chesterfield.
A cohesive team display and a superb hat-trick from Mexico international Alex Sandoval were enough for Chesterfield to secure all three points at home to Durham University on Saturday.

After a somewhat stuttering performance the previous week, Chesterfield set about their task with renewed focus against a physically strong Durham side.

Sandoval opened the scoring from the penalty spot, before making it 2-0 with a well taken goal from close range.

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The home side sought to press home their advantage in the second half, although they had goalkeeper Tom Bendy to thank for keeping the visitors out with a strong double save from a penalty corner.

At the other end of the pitch, ex-Chesterfield ‘keeper Joel Clayton kept Durham in the match, but could do little to prevent Sandoval completing his hat-trick late on in the game.

Chesterfield coach Christian Battye was impressed with what he saw. He said: “Even though we won last week, I was a little disappointed with our energy and intensity so we wanted to step it up a level today - which we certainly did. Our shape when we didn’t have the ball was much better and the effort to regain possession was superb.”

On the performance of Sandoval, Battye said: “Alex arrived back from Mexico in great physical shape but he’s also added other parts to his game. He’s fantastic role model for the under 18s in the squad but also pushes others around him to get better. He’s got four goals in three games but the scary thing is there is much more to come from him.”

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This week Chesterfield are in action on Friday evening away at Lincoln-based Lindum HC.

*Chesterfield Women's 1st team secured a 1-0 victory against Selby, thanks to a goal from Beth Davies.

Two goals from Lauren Walton were more than enough for the Women's 2nd team as they beat Grasshoppers 1s of Sheffield 2-0. Tri Murray was awarded player of the match.

Dronfield 1s beat Chesterfield 3s in a comprehensive display by 10-0, player of the match being midfield dynamo, Maxine Buttery.

For the Men's teams, there were wins all round. The 2s beat Leadenham 1s thanks to a Sam Unwin goal, while the 3s beat Sheffield 2-1.

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