ROLAND GENT COLUMN: Fans have their say on Chesterfield predicament

It's been a frustrating start to the season at the Proact.It's been a frustrating start to the season at the Proact.
It's been a frustrating start to the season at the Proact.
Spireites fans conducting a poll online have come up with some interesting results.

Most feel that the club should have a proper scouting network set up, there’s a feeling that Martin Allen is ringing up his mates in football to find players and frankly it has led to some frankly odd signings.

It’s no coincidence that we signed some of the best players ever seen at the Proact with Paul Mitchell looking for talent, I was greatly concerned when Danny Wilson said that he was surplus to requirements. Also the fitness of the team seems to be a real concern or maybe we have just got slow players? It was no surprise that with a full-time fitness coach the team used to be much better.

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Fans also seem to be of the opinion that the club might as well give Martin Allen a chance because if we got someone else in then the same situation would happen all over again. Also a lot of people polled suggest that the manager should be given funds to sign four or five new players. Frankly, the ones he has signed aren’t performing or aren’t good enough. The blame and fault lies at Allen’s door and at least he’s big enough to admit it, however a third successive relegation would lead to oblivion for the club. Look at Stockport County, a team we used to play regularly. They had the plugs pulled financially and look where they ended up. How many of our fans would buy a season ticket to watch National League North football?

Continuing our tour of places we hoped we’d never have to go to, Marc Antoine Fortune’s second half goal may have saved Martin Allen’s job, but then again last time we went away and drew, many thought we had turned the corner only to endure two absolute horror shows in the week, shipping six goals in two games to Gateshead and Maidenhead.

Apparently our players are mentally damaged, according to the manager. Gozie Ugwu who was going to be our goal scorer this season got two in the net for Borehamwood on Saturday. He was loaned out having lost his confidence at the Proact. I’d assume he’s feeling quite cheerful at the moment - presumably they have someone to pass him the ball in the penalty area.

A few statistics are horribly being touted round fans web boards this week. We’re actually not on Chesterfield FCs longest ever non-winning run in history. This 11 games sequence is puny compared to our 21-game winless sequence in 1999/2000 which did see the Blues relegated. Mind you, that was in the third tier of English football, so you can still argue that this is our worst ever effort.