Thirty bosses to lose jobs at Derbyshire County Council

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Nearly 30 bosses at Derbyshire County Council are set to lose their jobs.

The 27 senior management posts will be axed over the next three years – saving the cash-strapped authority £2.2million.

The council needs to slash £157m from its budget by 2018 as a result of Government cuts.

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Council leader Anne Western said: “Nobody likes cutting jobs but we need to make savings.

“The senior management structure will be smaller but by working more efficiently we’re confident we can continue to deliver services for local people and use the savings to help protect some frontline services.”

She added: “We can’t duck the responsibility of making these Government cuts.

“Like every other council across the country we simply have no choice but we have strong leadership and excellent financial management to tackle the tasks ahead.

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“We take our responsibility to Derbyshire very seriously and will continue to be ambitious and not despondent.”

Staff whose posts are being lost over the next year have been informed. The axed roles have not been made public.

A council spokesman said: “We will always try to avoid compulsory redundancies.”