DERBYSHIRE: Chamber welcomes PM support for younger people

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NEWS: News.
Reacting to Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, Ian Greenaway, President of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce, feels it is important young employees get a chance to earn the right skills.:

Mr Greenaway said: “Mr Cameron has said his mission is to have every person under the age of 25 either ‘earning or learning’ but it is important that they learn’ the right skills so that they can earn a decent living.

“It’s of no benefit to business if young people come out of school aged at 14, 16, 18 or 25 if they don’t have the skills to get or do a job so it is vital that the learning is properly focused, not founded on a narrow, results-driven curriculum.

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“It’s essential the learning matches the needs of businesses in the area where the training takes place.

“I was encouraged to hear the Prime Minister put enterprise, wealth generation and aspiration at the forefront of his speech. This will resonate with the business community here in the East Midlands which is doing all it can to hasten Britain’s recovery.

“Now all Mr Cameron has to do is deliver his vision.”