Chesterfield schoolchildren learn about First World War heroes

David Nightingale showing a group from Highfields Hall Primary around his trench built in the church's choir stallsDavid Nightingale showing a group from Highfields Hall Primary around his trench built in the church's choir stalls
David Nightingale showing a group from Highfields Hall Primary around his trench built in the church's choir stalls
Tales of the bravery of Chesterfield's soldiers are shared in an exhibition marking the centenary of the end of the First World War.

Medals, photos, news coverage and a replica trench will be on show to the public at Christ Church, Stonegravels, on September 29 and 30 from 10am to 4pm.

Pupils from Christ Church, HIghfield Hall and Abercrombie schools attended the exhibition today (Thursday) and students from Outwood Academy, Cavendish Junior and Bolsover schools will visiting tomorrow.

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The exhibition is presented by Chesterfield St Helen’s & District Local History Society.

Pictured are children from Highfield Hall with David Nightingale who has constructed a replica trench in the church.