National Stress Awareness Day in Derbyshire: Five ways to combat stress

Stress is something that affects almost all of us – here’s a few ways to help contain it.

Every year, millions of people in the UK suffer from stress and stress-related conditions. In 2020, it was reported that 74% of people in the UK suffered from chronic stress and felt like they could not go about their lives because of it.

Stress is not good for your health or mental well-being. It can be useful – many say they work better when under pressure – but it’s recommended that you should have a method of dealing with it.

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Stress can cause physical impairments, such as stomach pains and migraines, but it’s not limited to this. Stress can also be the culprit of anxiety attacks, which can lead to very serious implications.

So, how should you handle stress? Here’s five tips and tricks for keeping it in check.

Five ways to combat stress

Eat well. You’re much more likely to become antsy when you’re hungry – and therefore, stressed. Don’t just eat anything, either. Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet, with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Studies have indicated that eating more fruit and vegetables are linked to a reduction in stress. Make sure to get enough sleep. Sleeplessness can be major cause of stress and vice versa. It can be a vicious cycle if you’re not careful – it’s difficult to sort one out without the other. Take frequent breaks. If you feel overworked, take a step away from your workplace and have five minutes of rest. A short, simple break can do you a world of good when you’re stressed out. Exercise regularly. This may be more difficult for some than others, but regular exercise is a fantastic way to keep stress at bay. Whether you prefer weight lifting, calisthenics or cardiovascular workouts, they’re all good ways to release endorphins – therefore making a happier you. Understand the causes of your stress. Understanding your stress can be very tricky thing to do, but it’s definitely worth your time. After all, you can’t effectively defeat something without understanding its true nature first. Remember – the answers are within.

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