Expert panel praise Chesterfield’s ‘great potential’ – and say regeneration is key to ‘meeting needs of the next generation’

The expert panel discussed how to ensure that Chesterfield’s regeneration does not stall.The expert panel discussed how to ensure that Chesterfield’s regeneration does not stall.
The expert panel discussed how to ensure that Chesterfield’s regeneration does not stall.
A panel of industry experts recently discussed Chesterfield’s ‘great potential’ – and said that regeneration projects were crucial in unlocking this for residents.

Industry experts have lauded Chesterfield’s impressive potential and said that continued collaboration between the public and private sectors is critical in ensuring growth does not stop.

Speaking at national contractor Willmott Dixon’s second ‘Towns of the Future’ roundtable – hosted at the Tapton Park Innovation Centre – the 10-person panel discussed topics including the current building stock, skills, talent retention and investment.

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It was agreed that identifying challenges in regeneration projects and collaborative working by the public and private sector can help overcome potential hurdles.

The panel agreed conversations taking place are very encouraging – something which is especially important at a time when regeneration projects amounting to a value of more than £1 billion are in progress.

Jerry Major, regional framework manager at Willmott Dixon, said: “Chesterfield has great potential and, because local authorities now understand what the private sector can offer more than ever before, the opportunity to make the most of different areas and create mixed-use developments is being unlocked.

“It’s vital that businesses in Chesterfield, both big and small, play an active role in promoting the careers available here and the opportunity to lead a fulfilling lifestyle.