Play premieres in Derbyshire gallery

Kiind Hearts, Norman Blood at the Green Man Gallery, Buxton, on October 1.Kiind Hearts, Norman Blood at the Green Man Gallery, Buxton, on October 1.
Kiind Hearts, Norman Blood at the Green Man Gallery, Buxton, on October 1.
A new comedy is to be premiered in the High Peak.

Kind Hearts, Norman Blood will be hosted at the Green Man Gallery, Buxton tonight (Thursday, October 1) at 7.30pm.

The play has been written by Monyash resident Simon Corble. He was co-creator of the stage version of The 39 Steps stage show which ended a nine-year run in London’s West End last month after winning “Best New Comedy” at the Olivier Awards in 2007, as well as a Tony on Broadway; it is still running in New York.

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“Kind Hearts, Norman Blood will not be going straight to the West End,” said Simon, “nothing does these days. It took The 39 Steps ten years from our producing the show in a tiny North Yorkshire theatre to it becoming an international success story, but I feel it in my bones that we are on to a winner with this one.”

The performance at The Green Man Gallery is to be a “script-in-hand” - one step up from a reading and not a full production, though the producing company, found THEATRE, are promising sound effects, lighting and bits of costume and furniture.

Tickets £5, to enquire about availability call (01298 937735) or email: hello@